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Animal Behaviour for Biology 3.3
Year 13 - 13 | Year 13 Biology
Observe and discuss animals’ behaviour and link them to key concepts. Topics include: intraspecific and interspecific relationships, hierarchies, reproductive strategies and group living.
Activities on this day
Can you speak Capuchin? Is that Monkey angry or hungry? Through guided observations, students will explore the behaviours of animals at Wellington Zoo. We will investigate some strategies animals use to find and defend resources, different ways of communicating and building relationships, how they reproduce and care for young; as well as strategies to avoid predators. With support, the students will be encouraged to discuss the advantages or disadvantages of the behavioural strategies they have observed.
Learning Outcomes
• Identify and explain how animals’ behaviours influence their ways of life. • Identify and explain how animals’ behaviours influence their ways of life.
• Discuss how behavioural adaptations enable animals to occupy an environmental niche.
NZ Curriculum
Science: Living World Science: Living World
• Life processes, ecology and evolution Level 8: Understand the relationship between organisms and their environment. Explore the evolutionary processes that have resulted in the diversity of life on Earth and appreciate the place and impact of humans within these processes.
Related NCEA Standards:
• Biology 3.3 AS91603: Demonstrate understanding of the responses of plants and animals to their external environment.